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HomeFront OfficeRepeat Guest Check in Procedure at a 5 Star Hotel

Repeat Guest Check in Procedure at a 5 Star Hotel

As the name suggests, Repeat Guests are those who tend to stay in the same hotel regularly. Everywhere, in hotel industry, repeat guests are treated and welcomed as “Most Valuable Guest“. You can easily understand why repeat guests are valuable. Generally in this highly competitive hospitality world every hotel tries to attract new guests. They spend quite a big amount and gives many facilities to draw customer’s attention. When someone becomes their loyal customer then they not only ensure repeat business to the hotel by their stay but a good word of mouth also helps hotel to get more guests through them. So a repeat guest is not less than an ambassador of that hotel.

In our today’s very detail step by step tutorial, we will discuss perfect repeat guest check in procedure in a 5 star hotel. Must read careful and try to understand each steps and dialogues. For more premium tutorials and SOP click Here to get our Front Office Training Manual.

1- Ensure all repeat guests arrival rooms are blocked and ready/inspected at least an hour before the guests estimated time of arrival. Ensure for repeat guests the same rooms are blocked as previous stays or check if any specific preference is available in his guest profile. Check for any mail or messages that might be on hold for the guest and make sure an alert is put in the system so that they may be handed to him upon Check-In.

2- Check for the Billing details so as not to ask the Guest regarding CC Details if the billing is to his company.

3- Ensure the room is in a Vacant Inspected status. If not inspected call housekeeping if they do not revert in 5 minutes inform DM or FOM for a quick follow up.

4- Ensure to make eye contact, smile and greet the guest on arrival.

5- Greet the Guest “Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening. Welcome back Mr/Mrs/Miss X!” Check to see is all information already exists, and only after, ask for the necessary documents and items.

If all necessary documents are present, an Express Check in must be done.

“We are holding a reservation for you. May I request you to kindly verify the information we have here? You will be checking out on the 8th of June? May I have your check out time please? I see you have requested a non- smoking king, is that correct? You have booked a “Room Category” room, this would be your Rate (point to the rate, do NOT say it ALOUD).”

Mention the facilities included in the rate if applicable.

If breakfast is not included in the rate, ask if s/he would like it included in the rate and add USD….. (13.5). Make sure changes are made in the system accordingly as well.

Check the billing instructions. If the instructions show that the guest will pay, ask him/her how s/he would like to settle the bill. Click on “Rate Information” in the system. Add $125 to the total amount shown on the Rate Information screen and take a pre authorization or deposit accordingly. This amount represents the total room and incidental charges. If the instructions are for bills directly to the company, ensure to attach a copy of the company letter to the Registration Card.

If all details are correct, print a Registration Card and ask the guest to sign it.

Check in the guest in the system and make a room key. Put the key in a key wallet, write the room number and the departure date on it and handing it over to the guest say: “This is your room number. Your room is located on the “X” floor.” (NEVER SAY OUT ALOUD THE ROOM NUMBER). As you know, you will have to insert this keycard in the slot in the elevator to access your floor.

Introduce the guest to our special Program: “I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to our XYZ program, Gold Points Plus. Please go over the details in this brochure and get back to us at any point in your stay if you have any further queries or if you would like to join this program.” Do not push the guest if he or she is not interested.

Check in the system to see if the guest has a parcel, envelop or anything else waiting for him/her. If s/he does, inform him/her and hand it over to him/her.

If he/she is our Club guest, hand her/him the welcome letter: “This is your welcome letter which will give you details of the facilities made available to you as our exclusive XYZ Club Guest.”

Tell him/her about the new complimentary shoe shine service: “Mr/Mrs/Miss “X” we are also pleased to inform you of the new complimentary shoe shine service available to you in the Lower Lobby. You are welcome to tip at your own discretion.”

Ask the guest about luggage and introduce him/her to the bell boy: “Mr/Mrs/Miss “X” do you have any luggage? Enjoy your stay with us. Please give me a call if you need any assistance.”

Call the guest room after 10 minutes to ensure everything is okay with the room. “Mr/Mrs/Miss “X” this is Shaon again. I hope you like your room? If there is anything else you require, please do not hesitate to call me. Enjoy your stay.”

6- After the bellboy is introduced, the following scripting should be used: “Welcome back to the Radisson Mr/Mrs/Miss “X”! Allow me to please escort you to your room.” To start the conversation, esquire about his flight/ talk about the weather. As you get on to the elevator, explain the following: “I am sure you are well acquainted with the hotel already; however allow me to remind you that due to security purposes your key has been programmed to allow access to our floors. Please insert your key and pull it out and press the floor number which you wish to access.”

Then turn the conversation about our Hotel. Speak about any of the subjects below depending on the interest shown by the guest. Bear in mind s/he is a Repeat Guest so the conversation should be accordingly: “The Blaze Bar on the ground floor (1800hrs-2300hrs) has a new band called “Name of Band”. The band specializes in “type of music”. “Our main restaurant WGB is having a “Type of Food” Festival. The festival is open for “meal time” only and is serving a myriad of tantalizing dishes,”

“Welcome to your Room, Mr/Mrs/Miss “X”! Enter the room first and switch on the lights.


“Would you like me to familiarize you with your room?” Bear in mind that s/he is a repeat guest. If yes, use the rooming spiel.

  • Depending on the time of Check in offer to order for him/her through Room Service Tea/Coffee or maybe sandwiches if he is checking in late after a late flight.
  • Or ask if there is anything for pressing that requires urgent attention that you would be happy to assist with.
  • Or offer to make a booking for him in one of our restaurants or Spa.

“Mr/Mrs/Miss “X”, for any other queries, you can dial One Touch Assistance ”

“My name is “Smith” and if you would need anything else you will be able to find me at ext 8116/8117 and I would be happy to be of assistance to you.”

“Have a pleasant stay Mr/Mrs/Miss “X”.Close the door gently behind you.

7- Ensure full and correct details are entered into the system of the respective guest profile.

8- Ensure that all Reg. Cards in your shift are checked and signed by the Supervisor and slotted by the GSR on shift before you leave your shift.

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