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Interpersonal Communication in Hotel Industry

A good working environment is essential for superior service and smooth operation of a hotel. Working environment should not be over-shadowed or clouded with the following occurrence:

  • Misunderstanding
  • Intolerance
  • Impertinence
  • Distrust
  • Conflict between employees and administration and so on.

There might be jealousy, hostility and other personal rivalries in the professional life but these have to be overcomed and negative mentality should be obliterated. To bring out a peaceful, cheerful and delightful working environment, the management has to motivate the employees with innovative behavior. From time to time the management can arrange seminar or training programs to motivate them towards positive thinking. Annual staff party with cultural activity also helps in creating good relation with one another. There is a proverb saying “environment makes a man”. All said above is that the management has got to work with a group of people appointed by them. Everyone should be considered as a member of the hotel. That is why the question of motivation comes here. If there is any one in your family who is poor in performance or job efficiency is not up to the level—the management has to make him up with proper training and motivation, although the question of hiring and firing is a reality in any management. The house rule is there—law and orders requires to be maintained at any cost too.

On the other hand it is widely spoken in our society that the five fingers of our hands are never equal. What is meant here is that every individual is a different creation in the world. So, activity and thought of every individual naturally differs from one another. For instance: there are some who are intelligent:

  • Interpersonal Communication Hotel IndustryEfficient
  • Polite
  • Courteous
  • Well–educated
  • Cultured
  • Well–mannered
  • Well—groomed
  • Honest
  • Sincere
  • Active

On the other hand, there are others who are of opposite nature and differently groomed.

Hotel industry is a special field of work, so the personnel or staff should be very selective. Proper interview for selection of an employee is the first step of having a good working environment with good inter-personnel relation.

Every employee or staff of the property must maintain three following things to create an inter-personnel relationship as follows:

  • Mutual trust
  • Respect
  • Helping attitude

The management should try to make such an environment that employees think themselves useful for the company. Employees should have the feelings that their earnings are legitimate, not being as an extra favor. There should be evaluation system in every hotel in accordance with the up to date and logical process. While evaluating the management must be fair, positive, transparent and neutral in order to have a peaceful working environment.

Employees Association/Trade Union: A management can provide a lot of welfare facilities to the employees depending on the financial revenue condition of the property. But it does not mean that they have exempted themselves from making a provision of Trade Union or Employees Association. Every worker or employee needs to express their frustration and dissatisfaction and for this purpose the Employee Association Union has been established. In every country of the world, the worker union is recognized by labor law. Thus, the employees/workers unions work as a bargaining agent of the employees and workers. The Union should work fairly, ethically and with neutral judgment. The same thing is applicable for the management too. Thus a union can has a powerful status in the industry. The union should look after the property’s interest as well as the employees/workers interest. The Union and all the employees should keep in mind that if the property exits only then the existence of their job is ensured.

So, to achieve a good interpersonal relationship the management should emphasize the following things:

  • Pay scales should be competitive with other organizations and harmonious with yearly benefit packages.
  • Provide comfortable and pleasant working condition. Working hours should be eight hours with a weekly off-day.
  • There should be service charge for the employees in every hotel industry (if possible). The percentage of service charge should be fixed considering the financial condition of the property.
  • Maintain understanding and communication with the employees so that every employee will be acquainted with the daily happenings.
  • Give opportunity to the employees for discussing their problem with department head.
  • Make correct evaluation and recognize better performance. Reward can be introduced for outstanding performance.
  • Introduce facilities for social and recreational programs.
  • Provide training facilities to motivate the employees, upgrade their skills and to develop a quality service.
  • Ensure the job security. No one should loose job without a valid reason as per the existing labor law of the property.
  • There should be adequate medical facilities.
  • Compensate employees for his/her work performed during long tenure up to retirement.
  • Qualified present employees should be considered first for promotion or to transfer to a better position before appointing new one from outside.
  • Pay attention and make fair judgment on their grievances.

Before hiring or firing a staff, make fair judgment.

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