Welcome to our brand new training tutorial. In our today’s tutorial we have shared everything you need to know about how housekeeping performs maintenance. Before going to main discussion, we would like to remind you that, don’t forget to avail our special discount offers from here: https://hospitality-school.com/training-manuals/special-offer
All needed repairs in any part of the hotel in guest and staff areas, should be carried out immediately or within the shortest possible time to keep the property well maintained and properly looked after.
Repairs are to be classified and work prioritized according to the following:
- Urgent Maintenance Orders:
A) Any item which causes inconvenience to a Hotel guest in the Guest room or any other Public Area or Food and Beverage Outlet i.e.:
- Any guest request
- TV not functioning
- Plumbing ineffective
- A/C not working
- Electrical faults
- Bulbs fused
This should be executed by designated Engineering Personnel who attends specifically to guests needs.
B) Any item which causes disruption to our ability to give service to our guest i.e.
- Laundry equipment breakdown
- Kitchen equipment breakdown
- Showers not working in the locker rooms
- A/C ventilation not working in kitchen or laundry
Urgent maintenance orders are to be attended immediately and to be completed as fast as possible. If for any reason repairs cannot be done, (spare parts not available, etc.) The Executive Housekeeper must be informed as soon as possible to ensure other solutions can be found. (Guest to be moved to another room, House/guest Linen to be sent to outside Laundry etc.)
- Not Urgent
Any item which requires maintenance, but does not cause inconvenience to a hotel guest.
- Cigarette burn mark on coffee table
- Bedside table to be varnished
- Bathtub grouting to be done
- Room Service trolley wheel broken etc.
- Maintenance Order (Work Order) Form: the Form is to be filled out in triplicate
- Original and duplicate: To Engineering
- Triplicate copy: File of originating dept.
The form is to be written clearly, in legible handwriting and has to be signed by an authorized staff. Any urgent request where Engineering had been advised by Telephone first has to be followed by a written maintenance order. Once maintenance orders have been completed the duplicate copy is to be returned to the originating department.
Follow Up
- A guest request should be followed up by the Order Taker with Engineering after 30 minutes. If repair has been made, a courtesy call is to be made to the guest. If not, the urgency of the matter has to be explained to the Engineering Department. (Thereafter follow-ups have to be made frequently until repair is carried out).
- Engineering should advise the Housekeeping Department whenever there might be a delay in repairing and has to set another target time for completion.
- Housekeeping, due to the high number of maintenance orders done a weekly list of all outstanding items is to be prepared and forwarded to the Chief Engineer for daily action.
- A weekly meeting between the Executive Housekeeper and the Chief Engineer should take place and outstanding items should be discussed. A walk through the property highlighting trouble areas should be made.