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HomeHousekeepingTips for Successful Room service in Hotel

Tips for Successful Room service in Hotel

Dear readers, previously I have shared one of the most popular hotel management training tutorial here in this blog which is a hotel management training Sop on Room Service Procedure in Hotel. After that I got lot’s of email from my readers asking for more information about Hotel Room Service.

So, here in this free hotel management training blog, I am gonna share more tutorials on hotel’s room service. Today you will know 21 key points for successful room service.

Tips for Successful Room service in Hotel:

  1. Low flower vases should be used.
  2. Flowers should be put on every order tray.
  3. Tables, wheels, and heaters should be cleaned.
  4. Tables should be covered with plastic sheets during delivery.
  5. A courtesy card should be put on table with the server’s name and pickup information.
  6. Choices of complimentary newspapers for breakfast, should be offered.
  7. When arriving in the room, one should inquire where the patron wishes to sit.
  8. Chairs must be arranged.
  9. Pens should be offered for signing check.
  10. Good telephone manners should be utilized to sell subtly.
  11. Operators must be well-informed about specials.
  12. About items not available.
  13. One must be willing to accommodate special requests and be discreet.
  14. Extra lids for coffee and teapots are essential. They constantly get lost. Cardboard covers should be provided for juices and water.
  15. Extra napkins should be provided as also choice of individual jams, jellies, and honey.
  16. Special speedy Continental Breakfast Service should be provided.
  17. All drinks should be served from iced decanters, and sodas from split bottles.
  18. Wines should be served with in half bottles and in carafes.
  19. Delivery time promises that cannot be kept should not made.
  20. Linen should be checked carefully.
  21. Extra large teapots and thermos pots for coffee should be kept stocked.
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