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HomeFront OfficeReservation & Cancellation Code Used in Hotel

Reservation & Cancellation Code Used in Hotel

Reservation is a common policy for all hotels from all over the world. Hotels allow advance bookings from guests with the aim to enhance their occupancy percentage and to achieve the goal of their organization. The policy of receiving advanced bookings from guests is referred as reservations. The duration for holding the reservation in advance booking could be vary according to the hotel category and the season, for example a hotel hold reservation for 24 hours where as another hotel hold reservation for 2 days. The reservation procedure follows either manual or computerized system which allows a front desk agent to execute the three foremost steps of a reservation, such as checking the room availability, recording the reservation, and retrieving the reservation when it is required. There are many sources of reservation through which a guest can make a reservation for booking a room.

hotel guest reservation cancellationThe common sources of reservation are:

  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Central reservation systems
  • Global distribution systems
  • Travel agencies
  • Tour operators
  • The Internet
  • Hotel websites.etc.

Whatever the source of reservation is the front office personnel should keep proper and accurate information (suppose, the arrival date, the duration of stay, the name of the guest(s), the type of room, departure date) from the guest before confirming a reservation.

After the completion of reservation, the process of paying (credit card, previously approved direct billings, etc) for a guaranteed reservation is established. If there is sufficient time is available then bank check may approve for those guests who wants to pay with check to book a reservation. But whatever the method of payment is, the advance payment must be included in the guest folio and the folio should be properly monitored by the front desk agent.

Hotel Guest Reservation Code

Reservation codes are provided by the front desk or reservation agent which is chronological sequence of alphanumeric combination. Reservation codes are provided as a reference to those guests who have confirmed or guaranteed reservation. As reservation codes provide the confirmation in advance booking so it is also termed as confirmation numbers. These codes provide the confirmation that rooms have been held for a particular date (given by the guest) but with an obligation to pay for at least the first night in the hotel. The alphanumeric combination of reservation code are prepared in a way which indicate any information related with guest staying such as the date of arrival, the date of departure, the type of credit card, the credit card number, the room rate, the type of room, and/or the sequential number of the reservation to ensure proper reservation process.

A guaranteed reservation code will be as follows:


  • 142: the recognition number of the hotel in the chain
  • TJ: the initials of the reservation agent or front desk agent who accepted the reservation
  • 0828: the date of arrival
  • 0831: the date of departure
  • MC: the type of credit card (MasterCard)
  • 90: the rate of nightly room is $90
  • Q: sign of a queen-size bed in the reserved room.
  • 23456R: the sequential reservation number

However, if the reservations codes will short then it can easily accommodate in the hotel computer because sometimes the memory of hotel computer does not allow for storing large reservation codes.

The reservation code should be established that these codes will be able to provide proper information to the hotel authority to make available room for the guest. By getting these codes the hotel authority can get the details of a guaranteed accommodation. Sometimes these guest data could be unavailable from computer then the front desk agent can get accommodation information from the reservation code.


Cancellations are made if the guests change his/her travel plan and cancel the reservation. For cancelling the guest communicates with the central reservation system or the front office of hotel where the reservation was made. All hotels do not follow same cancellation policy, it can differ according to the cancellation frequency of the hotel or financial position of the hotel. Moreover some hotels mention specific time for canceling reservations like within 24, 48, or 72 hours from reservation time. If a guest wants to get exemption from paying the first night’s room rate then they have to follow these time table. If the guest has made a cash advance for booking a room, then a credit balance on the guest folio would have to be developed.

Hotel Guest Cancellation Code

If a guest wants to cancel his/her guaranteed reservation then the front desk agent provides cancellation codes as a reference of his/her cancellation. Cancellation codes provide the assurance that the front desk agent has canceled the reservation which is requested by the guest. Once cancellation codes are provided to the guest then the guest is free from any obligation regarding room reservation. Sometimes it happens that a front desk agent or a reservation agent by mistake make charge for a guaranteed reservation which has been already canceled by the guest. In this situation the guest can prove as fake charge by showing the reservation codes. Cancellations codes presented in the same manner as reservation codes do. Like reservation codes cancellation codes are also combination of alphanumeric value which shown in a chronological manner which is also referred to as cancellation numbers. Cancellation codes provide the assurance that the front desk agent has canceled the reservation which is requested by the guest. Once cancellation codes are provided to the guest then the guest is free from any obligation regarding room reservation. A cancellation code illustrates the information relating to the cancellations including name of hotel and reservation agent, the arrival date, departure date and the sequential number of the cancellation.

A perfect cancellation code will appear as follows:


  • 132: the recognition number of the hotel in the chain
  • TJ: the initials of the reservation or front desk agent who accepted the cancellation.
  • 0828: the date of arrival
  • 2002X: the sequential number of the cancellation
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