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HomeDialogue2 Hotel Conversation in English - Room Reservation Dialogues

2 Hotel Conversation in English – Room Reservation Dialogues

Our Non English speaking hotel and restaurant workers really like our Hotel English Dialogue series. In our today’s Hotel conversation in English guide, we will share dialogue between guest and receptionist. This is an example of telephone conversation in front office. Here we will share 2 real life scenario. By carefully observing the conversation between hotel receptionist and customer you should get some idea about how room reservation is done at front desk of the hotel. Must collect our Professional spoken English guide – English for Hotel and Restaurant Workers for hundreds of real life hotel dialogues, English vocabulary and spoken lessons.

Script 1 – Successful Hotel Room Reservation Conversation in English

Background: The receptionist of Hotel XYZ is talking over telephone to a guest regarding a possible room reservation. The guest wants to reserve room for her husband. Carefully look at their dialogues:

hotel receptionist script dialogue reservation guest hotel

Hotel Receptionist: Good Evening. Hotel XYZ (Name of the Hotel), Reception. How can I help you?

Guest: Ok. I would like to book a room for next week.

Hotel Receptionist: Sure, Madam. May I know the specific date for the reservation?

Guest: Why not? I would like to reserve a room from the 5th of April for 5 days.

Hotel Receptionist: What type of room do you like to reserve, mam?

Guest: Well, a double-bedded room with AC and other facilities at least.

Hotel Receptionist: Thank you madam. Just give me a minute, let me check. (After few seconds) Yes, a few double bedded rooms are still vacant on 5th April. Do you prefer a room with the view of the swimming pool or the hill madam?

Guest: Oh both are nice. But I like nature most. I guess hill view will be splendid. Right?

Hotel Receptionist: Sure madam. Your room tariff will be US $90 per night including taxes with the complementary breakfast at our ABC (Name of the restaurant) restaurant. Is it ok?

Guest: Hmm .. yes.

Hotel Receptionist: May I have your name please?

Guest: Yes. I am Stephany Rose.

Hotel Receptionist: How do you spell your name, Ms. Stephany?

Guest: It’s S-T-P-H-A-N-Y and then R-O-S-E

Hotel Receptionist: All right, Ms. Stephany. Let me have your address, please?

Guest: 257 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010, USA.

Hotel Receptionist: May I have your contact number, madam?

Guest: Yes.917494-4476

Hotel Receptionist: I repeat 917494-4476. Am I right?

Guest: Absolutely.

Hotel Receptionist: So, a double room is booked for you MS. Stephany Rose from 5th April for 5 days with the hill view.

Guest: Yes, that’s right. May I ask you for a special favor?

Hotel Receptionist: Sure, madam. What can we do for you?

Guest: Actually 5th April is my husband’s birthday. Could you arrange a nice flower bouquet for him in the room as a pleasant surprise?

Hotel Receptionist: Certainly mam. It will be our pleaser to provide you with the complimentary flower bouquet for the occasion. Don’t worry. Be assured that we will also decorate the room in best possible way. I hope sir will be surprised and happy.

Guest: That is so nice of you. Thanks.

Hotel Receptionist: You are most welcome, madam. We look forward to receive you on 4th April.

Guest: Yes. Good bye.

Hotel Receptionist: Good Bye, Mrs Stephany. Have a pleasant day.

Further Reading

Dear Readers, this is just a sample conversation. There are many points you need to understand while taking reservation. We highly recommend you to read these following tutorials for better understating the topic:

Script 2 – Unsuccessful Hotel Room Reservation Conversation in English

Background: The reservation official of Hotel PQR is talking over telephone to a guest who wants to book a room. But unfortunately the hotel is fully occupied and no room is available. Carefully look at their dialogues:

hotel reservation reception dialogue conversation guest

Reservation Officer: Good Morning. Hotel PQR, Reception. May I help you?

Guest: Good Morning. I am Taylor Isabel. I urgently need a single room for 1st January.

Reservation Officer: I can understand your urgency madam but I am very sorry. We don’t have any single room vacant at that moment. In fact, our all single rooms are occupied for next 5 days. But yes we can provide you our suit rooms. Will that be OK?

Guest: No sorry. Suit rooms will be too expensive for me. Can you do me a favor then?

Reservation Officer: Sure Madam. Please tell me how can we help you.

Guest: Can you give me name and phone number of a mid-range hotel where I may get single room on that day?

Reservation Officer: Sure madam. Hold on for few seconds. (After few seconds). Please note the number. It is Hotel ABC. It is a mid-range hotel. Their number is 123456789. I can’t guarantee you but I hope you will get single room there.

Guest: That is so kind of you. Thank you very much.

Reservation Officer: It’s my pleaser madam. Thanks for calling. Have a nice day.

Further Reading

Talking over telephone needs skill, knowledge and training. So, we again recommend you to read these guides:

Training Video

Click Here to Watch Our Free Video on Hotel Room Reservation Dialogues between Front Office Agent or Receptionist and Guest Practical Conversation

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