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HomeBasic TutorialsHospitality Management Ultimate Guide - Definition, Degree and Career

Hospitality Management Ultimate Guide – Definition, Degree and Career

The hospitality industry is one of the most attractive sectors across the world. However, it is extensive and involves a lot of aspects. In this blog, we have focused on three critical elements: hospitality management definition, hospitality management degree, and hospitality management jobs or career.

Hospitality Management Meaning and Definition

hospitality-definition-degree-careerIf you were asked to what is hospitality, or hospitality meaning or a definition of hospitality then how will you respond? While this is a very familiar term, it has often been challenging for individuals to define it. Interestingly, many aspects of today’s life revolve around the concept of hospitality. Are you surprised by this assertion? You shouldn’t be surprised because, in reality, the accurate definition of this term is broader in scope. Check the meaning from your dictionary, and you will understand what I mean. For instance, the oxford dictionary links it to not only the reception but also the entertainment of guest, aliens or visitors. Interestingly, the same dictionary includes terms liberality and good will in the definition. Evidently, there is a lot in the term hospitality than what many may think. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss in details the concept of Hospitality management. So read to the end and enrich your understanding of this subject.

To begin with, can you define hospitality in your own words? In general, the term hospitality comes from a word hospice, a term traditionally used to refer to the resting house tourists and pilgrims. For this reason, the meaning of hospitality is not restricted to hotels and restaurants, but instead involves institutions which offer food and shelter to the individuals far away from their homes. We can include casinos and private clubs, among others in hospitality definition.

A hospitality institution may face a variety of challenges in the course of its operations. For instance, there are always management problems when it comes to the issue of food delivery and offering shelter. This may include establishing appropriate buildings with efficient light and power systems, cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, supervising workers, and preparing and serving dishes agreeably and in a manner that satisfies guests. As we mentioned at the outset, these services are supposed to be offered with broad mindedness and good will, not only in hotels and restaurants but also from relevant service department in a health center or while having good times at a park. That is why it is imperative to focus not only on the facilities but also on the staff and managers who control the operations. 

The Responsibility of Hotel Managers

The hospitality industry is vast and competitive. It requires the right manpower to be successful in this sector. A competent manager who can drive a hospitality institution towards success should possess relevant skills and specialized knowledge to attain different management objectives. Hospitality meaning will be incomplete if the key stakeholders in an institution lack such professional qualities. Simply put, Hospitality Management is critical and requires the right personnel. The following points summarize the key aspects managers should be concerned with:

  1. A manager must make all guests feel entirely welcome. This means you must be a pleasant and friendly person naturally. It also creates an atmosphere which makes every guest or client feel at home while embracing the employees to work towards the same goal, pleasing guests with excellent services.
  2. A manager must ensure everything works perfectly and meets the expectations of the guests. This includes serving food as ordered and on time. Besides, cleaning should be the top priority, especially the rooms and beddings. Depending on the operation a manager is running, he or she must ensure everything is done correctly run seamlessly. The hospitality industry involves a lot of work, and it is the responsibility of managers to ensure everything is achieved.
  3. The main objective of any business is to make profits and things are not different here. A manager must ensure that all the required services are provided profitably. While “liberality and goodwill” are stressed on, it doesn’t mean giving away things without considering the profitability of a business. Managing the room and menu prices in a hotel or restaurant enables the recovery of the operational costs. Besides, an additional income is made to help pay for any loans invested in establishing the venture.

How to be Successful Hotel or Restaurant Professional

So how do you gain the relevant skills needed in the industry? From the preceding section, you are required to be smart in this sector. There are so many responsibilities for you irrespective of the capacity you are going to serve. But like many other sectors, the right thing to do is to look for work. We are all work in progress. As continue working, you will gain all the relevant skills needed to run a hospitality business. Nevertheless, the skills you are going to obtain if you go this route may conflict with what is required in hospitality managers. Sometimes back, then hospitality education was mainly self-centered, and most managers gained knowledge through apprenticeships. This worked on the assumption that knowledge and work were actually unchanging.

All the same, the hospitality industry is very dynamic, and that is no longer the case. To be successful, you have to be a knowledge worker with the ability to apply productive work concepts and info. What this means is, knowledge is a critical factor for success, and you can be adequately prepared for an occupation as a manager or in any other capacity through studies. This is because hospitality meaning is broad and so you have to be acquainted with all the aspects.

To this end, we have critically examined hospitality definition. We have seen how broad the concept is as well as the responsibilities bestowed to those in positions of authority such as managers. However, you cannot broadly define hospitality without some of its basic features coming to mind. Generally, hospitality is characterized by the following:

  • Great satisfaction. The industry is very competitive, and guest satisfaction is the best way of retaining clients. Besides, it helps build loyalty and improves the chances of earning profits.
  • The product dealt in aren’t for possession. For instance, it is impossible to test drive a particular stay.
  • There is inseparability of both service creation and consumption.
  • Perishability dominates the industry. For instance, an institution may be having a total of 1000 rooms, but only 600 are regularly occupied. There is nothing that can be done with the unsold places.
  • Variability in work quality. This is because workers have different levels of skills, passion and potentials.

Back to the question, we asked at the outset, what is hospitality? I believe you have a perfect answer to this question.


hospitality management studies degree careerFrom the preceding section, it is indisputable that the hospitality industry is an excellent sector in terms of occupation. A career in the hospitality industry is fascinating, with a lot of opportunities. When making career choices, individuals are often concerned with remunerations. And by the way, who may not be involved with salaries and rewards? The main reason why people earn is to sustain themselves now and in the future. It would be absolutely ridiculous to enter into a career that does not meet your expectations in this regard. The hospitality industry earns significant amounts, and that is why there has been a recent surge in popularity of hospitality management degree.

Hospitality jobs are often based on various qualifications. In fact, some colleges have placement offices for graduates. A good number of students undertaking hotel management degree programs receive requests for part-time employment.  Some may offer internships while others maintain a job file or bulletin board.

A degree in hospitality helps you get a step ahead of others in the industry. According to James McManemon, M.S. from the University of South Florida Sarasota, a degree helps one move from the lower levels to an upper management position and beyond.

Education is worth it if you want a career in hospitality.  This industry has been growing steadily and has various career options for people with relevant knowledge and skills. According to a report 2015 by WTTC, the industry keeps growing and will likely offer at least 346 million jobs in the coming few years.

Event management and hospitality careers are versatile and can expand in various directions.  However, a career in hospitality is mainly based on resorts and hotels, tourism, travel, and culinary business. So which positions can you qualify for with a hospitality management degree? We will come to that later.

Why Do you Need a Degree in Hospitality Management?

With so many opportunities and a good hotel manager salary, you have a solid reason to pursue a hospitality management degree. This level of education opens up many opportunities worldwide.  As a graduate, you can follow your dreams and interests all over the world. The world becomes your oyster as you pursue success.

As you pursue your degree, you already know what you want to be. Some of the positions include accounting director, event manager, marketing director, or a restaurant owner.  Nevertheless, some people are not sure which career path to follow. Are you one of them? Explore the industry and decide the best way to go.  Going for internships or gaining some experience will help identify the best option in the industry.

How to Succeed In the Hospitality after Graduation

The first thing you should have is goals. You need to know what you want to be in at least five years based on your interest. Assessing your character helps you determine the best path to follow.  Those with outgoing personality thrive in the marketing and sales departments, but the reserved ones, accounting and other behind the scenes jobs are more suitable for them.

The main idea is to have a goal and keep working to attain it. For example, a student who wants to own operation in the future must postpone the target until he or she develops the necessary skills and reputation that can attract financing.

How to Land On Hospitality Job

career job salary hotel management interviewAsking for a job is not all you need. You must look good when you go for an interview; be neat and clean. While managers head most hospitality companies, some have an HR manager. The size of the organization should not scare you and follow up on the status of your application without fear.

An adage says that it takes at least three calls for sale to go through. The three times shows persistence, which lets an employer you are interested in the job.  Always identify yourself as a hospitality management graduate or student as it shows how much you are interested in the field.

Learn On the Job

Most of the thriving hospitality managers admit gaining knowledge on their job. It can be as simples as working as a dishwasher during summer or doing some prep work since you are working with other people you can observe or offer to help out in different parts of the kitchen.  Skill jobs are easy to learn, and you can provide free services in bartending, front desk clerking, or helping the cook despite being hired as a dishwasher.

The best way to learn is to work in relief jobs.  These are positions that continuously require to be filled in when an employee is sick, on vacation, or off. The training offered for such a position enriches your skills, depending on the job at hand.

Graduation may look like it’s far from now, but it’s never too early to start thinking about how you will land a job after you graduate. Hotel management jobs are available, but no one falls on this job straight after graduation. You must be ready to go through career progression, start from a low-entry.

Keep your resume updated, and do not panic as graduation gets closer. It is normal to worry about job placement even when they are sure to find one. Hotel management jobs are many, but you may approach the industry from a different entry depending on which opportunities come your way. As a hospitality major, just give your best.

Hospitality Trends That Can Affect a Career in Hospitality

The hospitality industry has been growing steadily over the last two years. It is expected to have several significant trends. Below is a list showing the trends that may affect a hospitality major.


Globalization in the hospitality industry has occurred faster, increasing the demand for international experience and knowledge. It makes a significant percentage of workplaces in the world, and it’s expected to increase by 10% with time. In the US, hospitality is among the top 10 industries that provide jobs. One in eight American citizens works in the tourism or hospitality field. Evidently, there are a lot of opportunities for individuals with a hotel management degree. In 2013, over 55 000 jobs were created in this industry, and the figure continues to increase every year. It is a global village that keeps expanding. This has led to a better income for middle-class families while allowing people to travel around the world, explore their interests and vacation in various parts of the world.

Health and Security

The safety of both tourists and locals are essential worldwide. If there is a real or perceived threat to visitors’ safety, a destination feels an immediate impact, and tourism and patronage are affected dramatically.  This includes any health risks because no one wants to contract infections while on leisure travel. However, it goes beyond terrorists’ threat to crimes such as kidnappings, muggings, and other tourist assaults.  Security in the hospitality industry is all essential for your career to thrive. 

Evaluation of an employer

Most fresh graduates make a mistake of snap judgment regarding their employers. They react aggressively during an interview and put off potential employers. As a graduate or a student looking for an opportunity to train, be ready to take low entry jobs, after all, that’s how you gain diverse experience in the industry.  However, look for possible advancements in the company and the quality of their operations. If they are doing things wrongly; you will learn the wrong things, which means no valuable experience. To know more about an employer, do not hesitate to ask for information about the company’s reputation.

Determining the potential satisfaction in a job

Some people study and complete hospitality management, only to discover their interest lies in food preparation. So, they may decide to look for a job that allows them to concentrate in that area and gain skill in their area of interest.


The hospitality industry is growing at a fast rate and has many career paths individuals can follow after graduating. However, many individuals get it wrong here. Your career doesn’t have to progress in a straight path. It is similar to diving into the water. You still get water regardless of the edge you use to jump in and cross to the other side. Whether you move straight or diagonally, you get to the other side. In hospitality, you can start at any point where there is an opportunity and later move to attractive jobs.

Some individuals make silly mistakes early in their careers. Being a graduate should not stop you from taking a front-office job. It is a starting point, and later on, you can move to other departments. Career evolvement means moving from a low-entry position to a higher one. What’s more, in hotel management jobs, trying out several areas is normal before finally reaching your dream position, such as HR director, general manager, or catering manager.

The catering industry has several opportunities for everyone with relevant qualifications. It is ideal for upcoming entrepreneurs as it allows them to start low investment businesses. What’s more, students try it out while still in school by setting up a little operation.

Specific Jobs

As outlined in the preceding section, there are so many opportunities open to everyone with relevant qualifications. I know you may not be sure of the jobs you can apply for, especially when you graduate. The following are the brief overviews of the hospitality jobs:

Hotel Operations Manager

At the outset of this discussion, we mentioned that the hospitality careers are comprehensive and involve critical aspects, including, the guests, facilities and individuals who manage the operations. Operations managers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring each section of the operations run effectively and within the budget line. Their primary roles include managing the staff, controlling budgets and process, among others. 

Tour Guide and Related opportunities

A tour guide leads individuals to the attraction sites, explaining basic things such as culture and heritage of different locations. This is one area with a lot of opportunities. For instance, recent statistics indicate tourism has increased by 50% in the last two decades, a trend expected to continue. Importantly, tourism and travel make up to 9% of the world’s GDP. This is the largest employer globally, and it’s anticipated to create up to 75 million hospitality jobs. The ever-growing flux of travelers and tourists offer many jobs in the hospitality industry, not just being a tour guide.  Graduates in the hospitality industry have a lot of opportunities in tourism services, both in museums and historical monuments.

Event Planner

Significant international events, sports events, entertainment, and festival venues require a skilled manager to give them the triumph factor.  Restaurants and hotels host various private and corporate events aimed at providing attendants, unforgettable experiences. A hospitality graduate has the skills to create seamless hospitality activities. It is the easiest route for a trained chef but must have some professional skills needed in hospitality careers. You will be required to always come up with different but creative ideas for decoration and delicacies. You can also negotiate with vendors for considerable prices, draft workable budget for an activity.


There are so many other areas you can work in. Remember we earlier mentioned that you don’t have to start at the top. You can start anywhere and progress to superior positions. Other posts include:

  1. Desk agent
  2. Housekeeper
  3. Assistant front office manager
  4. Front office manager

Are You Fit for A Career In The Hospitality Industry?

The hospitality industry is defined by some essential characteristics. Due to its scope and size, there are numerous career opportunities. What’s more, the sector has enormous potential to grow, especially when the economy is doing well.  This industry thrives when other people are relaxing and enjoying their leisure time. A career in the hospitality service industry means you are ready to care not only for yourself but to others as well.

To succeed in hospitality management jobs, you must have relevant skills, abilities, and qualities, including readiness to work for long hours, honesty, and comfortable working with other people.  You must also be able to cope with both physical and mental stress and willing to please guests beyond their expectations.

Salaries and Remunerations

How much can you earn? People often ask themselves questions about a hotel manager salary. Well, statistics from the 2011 American Community Survey shows individuals with only high school education can earn an annual salary of up to $1.4 million. Those with associate degrees earn at least $1.6 million, while individuals with bachelor degrees can earn up to $2.1 million. A hotel manager with a masters degree earns more than $2.5 million. Important to note, the earnings may vary from region to another. 

How to Succeed In the Hospitality after Graduation

The first thing you should have is a goal relating to hotel management jobs. You need to know what you want to be in at least five years based on your interest. Assessing your character helps you determine the best path to follow.  Those with outgoing personality thrive in the marketing and sales departments, but for the reserved ones, accounting and other behind the scenes, hospitality management jobs are more suitable for them.

The main idea is to have a goal and keep working to attain it. For example, a student who wants to own operation in the future must postpone the target until he or she develops the necessary skills and reputation that can attract financing.

The Bottom Line

From the above discussion, one thing that stands out is, there are so many opportunities for individuals with relevant skills. One can start at any position and progress to higher ranks. We hope that you have benefited from this discussion. Let us know what you think by dropping a comment below, and we will be glad to get back to you.

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