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HomeCareer AdviceLearn How to Get Jobs at Hotel & Restaurant through Internet

Learn How to Get Jobs at Hotel & Restaurant through Internet

This following tutorial is from our training manual, Hospitality Career Opportunities: Learn Secrets to Get Jobs in Hotel, Restaurant & Cruise Industry. We highly recommend everyone to get this book from this link. Trust me this Career guide will help each of you, regardless of your level of experience and skill.

Internet is the latest edition of the job hunting process. It is one of the fastest growing and most popular resources for job hunters. Because of some of its very unique features, nowadays many job seekers have become too much dependent on it. I am also a VERY BIG fan of internet that is why I run my Free Hotel Management Training blog, even from this background I would like to draw your attention to the fact that


I am putting stress on the word “Only”. As long as you use online as ONLY tool, you will minimize your chances but if you use it with other job hunting sources then I must say jobs will be knocking at your door sooner or later.

Why Searching Jobs Online is So Popular:

  1. Get Jobs Hotel RestaurantIt is the easiest and cost effective job searching process. You can search from the most comfortable zone, your home if you just have computer with internet connection.
  2. You can find lots of job offers at a glance in a job site.
  3. You can create your virtual resume on job sites and apply easily in many jobs that match with your requirement and qualification. Even in some cases some job sites will send you automatic alert message to your email address if any relevant job offer has been posted there.
  4. Almost in all the cases, you don’t have to pay any extra charge to apply for any job. Signing up process in most of the site is free of cost.
  5. You can seek help from lots of people around the world. They can really help you to manage a job or give you some valuable suggestion. Social networking web sites, forum, blog etc. are some most useful sources for getting help.
  6. You can enjoy lots of job related free resources such as resume preparation, winning in the interview, knowing salary structure etc.
  7. Nowadays applying for jobs through email has been very popular. You just have to send your resume to the employer’s email address and if you are fitted for the vacant post you will get a call for interview.
  8. You can also find lots of classified ads in different web sites, know about recruitment agencies services and help from alumni members. These are all some great advantages of this modern online service.

Why It Can Be Dangerous Too:

Although the whole online system is so flexible and highly effective so it is something like a dream of each and every job seekers but here are some points you cannot neglect:

  1. Not only you but also thousands of potential job seekers will apply for each job. So, it is super flexible but highly competitive market as well.
  2. Many job sites are not up to date. If you visit there you will find lots of backdated job posts still available at the front page. If you are not careful enough then you may lose your valuable time and energy for a wrong job offer which might had been filled long time ago. So, don’t forget to check out the dead line & other details while approaching for any job.
  3. Using online effectively needs some technical skills. So, if you are not skilled enough, then you may not get hundred percent benefits from online sources.
  4. Most of the online resources are available in English Language. So, if it is not your mother tongue and you are not very much comfortable with the language then it will also be difficult to manage a job from online.
  5. Spending more time in online will take much of your time. So you may find little time to use other job hunting resources. Be careful, Time Management is very crucial for every job seeker.
  6. Most importantly there is a high chance that you may lose your focus. You may start visiting job sites but somehow go to entertainment sites and spend all your time there.

So, you should be careful enough to use online resources. Undoubtedly this is the easiest way to search for jobs, but at the same time it can be dangerous for you unless you are careful about the points I have just mentioned above. So, be careful of these points and try to overcome each if you have any weaknesses. And must not forget “Internet is the great tool for getting jobs but not certainly the ONLY one”. Use it sensibly with other resources.

How to Use Online Resources

To use online job hunting resources effectively here are some quick suggestions you should follow:

  1. Get Jobs at Hotel Restaurant InternetYou should have a copy of your resume with and without photo in 2 digital formats, one is in .doc and another is in .pdf. If you are asked to send your resume with email then just attached the pdf format. If it is requested to send your photo too then put that photo in your resume at the right side. Send the appropriate version according to the requirement. For example if they just want your cv to be sent through email then send pdf copy of your resume that is with photo (digital copy of your photo is attached in your resume). If they want you to send both resume and photo separately then you should send resume with no photo and again send your photo as separate image file. Keep doc version for editing and after final revision convert it into pdf copy.
  2. In most of the job sites, you have to create virtual resume to apply for jobs or get notifications. You have to fill up your information in the appropriate boxes. Don’t worry the process is very easy to understand.
  3. If you apply for any job through email then put the job title as subject and your cover letter should be in the message compose box. Read next page where I will discuss this matter in detail.
  4. When you would create any virtual resume in any job site then you have to have a username and password. If future when you will apply for any job, you need to remember those to log into your account. So, you may write down the username and password in your notebook. Some people have tendency to use different username and passwords for different sites. Although this is a safe way but there is a high chance you may forget any of that. So, it is better to use same username and password for all job sites.
  5. Some job sites may demand some charge for giving job related information. You better not use those sites. All the best job sites (except LinkedIn) are free.
  6. If you apply for any oversees job then don’t forget to write down your country code before your telephone number.
  7. While creating any virtual resume or application form you may find some fields are marked with this sign (*). It means you have to fill up these fields-this is mandatory. Other fields may be optional.

After filling out job forms successfully, some sites may send you an automated tracking number to your email address. You will need that code in future for editing or updating your information. Keep the code in safe place for further use. Also some sites will send you a confirmation email to be confirmed about your email address. There will be a clickable link to activate your account. Click on that otherwise your account may not get activated.


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