We always encourage our readers to buy our products through paypal. If you buy through paypal you will get download link of our products automatically in your inbox. Although we have such automated system but still we get tons of request from our readers for other option to buy our products. If you don’t have Paypal then we highly recommend you to use Western Union or direct bank deposit.
Many of you may have heard about globally reputed money Transfer Company,  Western Union which can send money from your location to any parts of the world. They are more than 515,000 Western Union agents in over 200 countries and territories.
As I have to fly frequently for my personal business so it would be quite impossible to receive money in my location and send you my products through email. So, I have decided to give this headache to my technical stuffs. I have some good friends in Bangladesh, a south Asian country, who are maintaining this blog and do all technical stuffs. They will receive money and send you my products through my Gmail account.
Bank Account Details:
How to Send through Western Union:
Step-1: First go to any western union agent. Normally nowadays most of the bank works as its agent.
Step-2: Tell the bank officer that you want to send money through western union. Â S/he should give you a form that you need to fill up CAREFULLY. Also learn the procedure to transfer money.
Step-3: While completing form to send money, you would need following information about my stuff :
- First Name: Rifat Rashid
- Last Name: Adnan
- Country: Bangladesh
- City: Dhaka
Step-4: After completing the form and paying cash from agent’s location you will get a 10 digit MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) number. This is the number you have to memorize. This is very very important – don’t dare to lose this number. You have to pay some service charge as well.
Step-5: After paying and getting MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) please send me an email to hoteliertanji@gmail.com with this information:
- MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) Number
- Your first and last name, EXACTLY what you wrote in the form
- Name of your country and city
- The amount you paid
- Products you want to purchase
Step-6: As this is not an automated system like Paypal so you may need to wait for 1 to 5 days after sending me email with that information. Just after receiving your money my stuff will send your desire product to your email address. You can also track your payment status through MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) number from western union’s web site.
For More information please visit western union’s website from HERE.
Hotelier Tanji