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HomeDialogueDialogue: First Day in Restaurant Job

Dialogue: First Day in Restaurant Job

Scene: Today is the first day for Robert (R). Frank (F) has been working in the restaurant for some years. This is very important conversation to learn real life restaurant working procedure.


R: Hi. This is Robert. May i know your name please?

F: I am Frank. But i guess i did not see any here before.

R: Yes. Actually i have joined. Today is my first day here.

F: Oh that is great. Welcome to our team.

R: Thanks Frank. Actually i am very much nervous.

F: It’s OK. I guess you will learn quickly. Anyway, our customer will start coming soon. Have you set up your station yet?

R: Yes.

F: Do you have all necessary plates, cups, saucers and silverware?

R: Yes, i have finished cover set up. Please check my tables.

F: OK…Hmm everything seems OK. But why do you put napkins on the table?

R: I have learned to do so.

F: It’s OK. Here in this restaurant we prefer to fold the napkin in wine glass. Now come closer. I will show you how we fold napkin. It’s easy.Look…

R: Thanks Frank. You are so much helpful.

F: Thanks Robert. All the time you should remember we have to work here as a team. We have to respect each other and try to give our best.

R: Thanks for your kind suggestion. I will try to follow your advice.

F: Oh Robert. You make a mistake in this table. This salad fork should be placed on the left not in your right.

R: Oh no. I am so sorry Frank.

F: No problem. No body is perfect. It will take time to be perfect. At the beginning we all do mistakes. Just try to learn from your mistakes. But don’t overlook mistakes whether it is very silly or big and whenever you don’t understand any thing. Just ask your senior colleague. Never feel shy. OK?

R: Certainly. Thanks for all your kind suggestions.

F: By the way, have you checked all salt, peeper and sugar shakers? Sometimes guest complaint for empty shakers.

R: Yes, i checked all those. I will recheck now.

F: OK. So, i guess you will enjoy working here.

R: I feel lucky to get you in our team. Thanks Frank.

F: Don’t be so formal man! We are friends. But remember one thing. Here, all the time we follow a golden rule. That is “Guest is always right”. So, talk to guest with ready smile and never argue with any guest even if you have no fault. Just be polite all the time.

R: OK. I will try my level best.

F: Great. So keep working. Guests are start coming

R: Thanks.

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