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Thursday, March 27, 2025
HomeBasic Tutorials7 Questions You Should Not Ask Your Guests

7 Questions You Should Not Ask Your Guests

Our today’s discussion is on questions that you should never ask your guest as a professional hotelier. If you are a novice hotelier or you give training to your staffs then beware of such questions. If you ask these kinds of questions to your guest then he or she will be irritated and that may be a reason of negative impact in your business.

Anyway here is a list of 7 NEVER ASK QUESTIONS:


  1. Do not ask the age: Do not personally ask the age of the guests, especially women. But yes, in case of approving alcohol to under aged guest you have the right to be confirmed. Otherwise in all other cases try to use some tactics to know how old your guest is.
  2. Do not ask about Marital Status: Marriage is a personal privacy, the others find out this information to be rude. Find out if the opposite sex, even inappropriate. In case of addressing to lady guest it is often safe to call them as Ms. or Madam.
  3. Do not ask about income: Income to some extent related to the status and personal ability and is a person’s face. Income-related housing, property should not be talking about.
  4. Do not ask about Address: Unless you want to go to guest’s house (it also depends on whether other people invite you), do not ask the guest’s address. But yes if you are a reservation agent and need to fill up his mailing address then you should request him to provide you solid information.
  5. Do not ask about experience: Personal experience is one’s cards, or even have privacy. So do not ask the guests experience. But you can ask about his or her experience about your hotel, hotel’s service etc.
  6. Do not ask about  Faith: Religious beliefs and political views are very serious business, not lip service.
  7. Do not ask the about body: People who have the weight problem, do not ask about his weight, he can not just fat than others. Even other related questions like cosmetic surgery, whether wigs or false teeth should not be asked to the guests.
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