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HomeCareer Advice20 Exclusive Tips for Successful Hotel Job Interview

20 Exclusive Tips for Successful Hotel Job Interview

We have shared many tips and tricks on how to get job and success in your career. In this short guide, we will share 20 exclusive tips that will help you to win the interview and get the desirable job.
20 Exclusive Hotel Job Tips:

  1. Check your grooming before entering the room.
  2. Turn off your cell phone or keep it in silent mode.
  3. Wear professional looking well ironed formal dresses.
  4. Try to be natural & confident.
  5. Maintain good eye contact & show zeal to hear what interviewer is discussing.
  6. Body movement should be natural but professional but must not be robotic.
  7. Stand & sit down straight while sitting down. Don’t cross your arms. keep your hands on the leg.
  8. Speak clearly with clear and pleasant voice.
  9. Never talk too fast or too slow.
  10. Don’t underestimate interviewer. Don’t try to make him fool with bogus claims. Try to give examples on your calming so that no one can get the chance to challenge you.
  11. Show your modesty but not too much that may give the impression that you are oiling. Always remember excessive use of anything is dangerous.
  12. Answer each question directly and clearly. Don’t take too much time to answer. Most of the questions in the interview can be answered in 30 to 60 seconds.
  13. As you are a human being you cannot know everything. Even interviewer will not expect that. Say SORRY if you are unable to answer any question. You should not take too much time to remember answer. Don’t get disappointed for not being able to answer everything. Remember interviewer will closely monitor your activities at that point. This will give you an idea about how do you approach in precarious or failed situation.
  14. Most importantly try to be a Good Listener. This will really help you to understand most of the questions clearly and at the same time give you some extra VALUABLE seconds to think and organize your answer.
  15. Don’t interrupt. Human psychology is designed in the way that none of us like to be interrupted. Even if you are hundred percent sure about what interviewer is going to tell you, let him finish his speech first.
  16. Never comment negatively about your previous or current job place. Even if you were fired from the job, speak about their good sides. Most importantly focus on what you have learned from that job.
  17. Don’t feel nervous if you have to pause for a while. This is very much OBVIOUS. But again, pausing for a long time is also not a good idea.
  18. You suppose to shake hands for two times in the interview. First time may be when you enter into the room and last time when you are going to leave the room. Both the cases, try to share firmly with confidence. Some experience interviewers can judge your level of confidence even through hand shake. So again I would say, be confident, maintain good eye contact and smile confidently while shaking hands.
  19. Show your passion for the job. Your voice, your attitude, your gesture posture should resemble that.
  20. Last but not least, try to convince interviewer with your qualification, personality. You may not be a good speaker or highly qualified and experienced candidate. But your language, attitude, eye contact, smiling everything should show that YES I CAN. I AM THE BEST PERSON FOR THIS JOB.’
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